Tuesday 20 November 2012

My hiatus explained.

It's been a while...... I'm not being lazy, promise!

It's been crazy recently, as I have been trying to wean my darling baby in preparation for my impending return to work and it has been a full time job and a mission impossible but this week with just 12 days to go she caved, she finally gave in and took the bottle. Now I just need to stop the 2am and 5am feed; #joysofmotherhood!
We have however had lots of success with taking solids thanks to the wonderful books and paraphalalia of Annabel Karmel. Unlike with Poppy, Ida loves her fruit and veg, so the battle is won for now at least. Amongst all this a highlight for me was buying a new hand blender (which in itself is a signal that I must go back to work) and it's literally the most amazing piece of technology I have ever used but I think my family may be getting a little bored of the homemade guacamole and no one wants to try my avocado and banana purée but it really is A - MAZ - ING, trust me?!?

I have also organised my paperwork and utilised the shredder since I had every single bank statement I had ever received (14 years worth) . Finished the nursery, got a new sofa, curtains and wall art so while it has been quite a boring few months in terms of blogging, it's been very productive in terms of real life.

In other news we had the blow of "grumpy" dad being made redundant, just in time for Xmas, YaY!!! The silver lining is that he is going to take a few months to be a house husband which is good because not only is he a better cook than moi but he also enjoys the laundry which is in turn my Kryptonite! Now if I can only convince him that it is essential to buff the dining table with French polish every other day and religiously hoover the ceiling and walls and curtains as well as the floors ( my odd ocd) then I am golden.

So with 12 days left before I return to the "adult" working world there are just a few things left to do; dye hair ( still not grey, yay) plan the perfect outfit for day 1 in the office and drop 2 stone since  my daily habit of tea and cake has prevented my miraculous celeb body bounce back. Oh and write a few blogs but the good news is Xmas is all wrapped up, literally.

Mummy Loves Dress Up x


  1. Sorry to hear about the hubby but great he will get some time at home and exciting you are going back to work x

  2. Thanks for your comment, both daddy and Ida are looking forward to alone time and I am looking forward to grown up conversations, even if it is all office politics, x


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